haunted places in Nebraska

Haunted Places in Nebraska

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Even if you don’t believe in ghosts, sharing terrifying tales of the unknown on a dark, stormy night can be thrilling.

True scary tales are easy to come by in Nebraska. Our state is home to many ghostly places, from creepy homes and cemeteries to strange mansions and haunted high schools.

We have compiled a short list of some of the most haunted landmarks in Nebraska, each with its own tragic history or eerie legends. If you are brave and have a taste for spine-chilling, keep reading.

List of Haunted Places

Nebraska is also home to several fantastic haunted locations or locations with claims of paranormal activity.

Nebraska is a varied and interesting region, from the bluffs in the east to the wild vistas in the west, so perhaps it isn’t so surprising that some spirits would choose to linger here after death.

Check out these haunted places in Nebraska, whether you’re a believer, a skeptic, or just ready for testing your assumptions about the afterlife.

1. The Alliance Theatre, Alliance

The Alliance Theater is one of the most famous landmarks in Nebraska, yet it also happens to be one of the state’s most haunted locations. Paranormal phenomena may have existed here since immemorial, but nobody knows exactly when that was.

The theater’s owner, Gerald Bullard, and other staff have reported seeing shadowy figures and footsteps moving through the halls.

Some say the ghost is the actress Mary, who was killed onstage when a light fixture collapsed on top of her. The good news is that Mr. Bullard is confident that the ghost is benign.

2. Antelope Park, Lincoln

One of the most terrifying haunted locations in all of Nebraska may be found within Antelope Park’s 143 acres. The area beyond the caretaker’s house in Antelope Park is a frequent haunt, despite its seemingly benign appearance.

Guests have reported seeing a plethora of ghostly figures traverse the field and vanish into the trees on the far side. Those who have visited the park swear by its spooky vibe. While strolling in the woods, several people reported feeling like they were being watched.

3. Bailey House Museum, Brownsville

Underneath the museum’s lovely brick façade, however, strange and unsettling things are happening. The Bailey House Museum is located in the post-war residence of Union officer and 3rd Tennessee Mounted Infantry captain Benson M. Bailey.

The Captain supposedly never left the mansion and still stalks whoever dares to enter it. But, there is a valid explanation for his continued attachment to the material plane.

Tragically, Captain Bailey and his wife were killed by a neighbor known to be violent. Others can now hear him opening and closing doors, turning on and off lights, and even playing the piano in his home.

4. Hummel Park, Omaha

Hummel Park is a setting in numerous urban legends and is considered one of Nebraska’s most haunted locations. It rests on top of an ancient Native American burial ground and has been the location of lynchings, satanic rituals, and a colony of albinos.

The legends have gained such notoriety that The Daily Nebraskan dispatched a team of four reporters to investigate. No one knows for sure if these claims are genuine or not. You are free to visit and form your own conclusions, though!

5. The Nebraska State Capitol Building, Lincoln

Taking a free tour of the Nebraska State Capitol Building is one of our favorite free things to do in Lincoln, and trips can be made even more exciting by sharing the haunting tales that have long been associated with the building.

One such story is about inmates who were hoping to reduce their sentence through the risky chore of hanging Christmas lights from the tower.

According to reports, one inmate panicked while hanging the lights, had a heart attack, and then fell to his death. There have been reports of people hearing him wailing and hollering nearby.

6. The Centennial Hall Museum, Nebraska

The Centennial Hall is the oldest high school building in the state, which was constructed in 1897 and now houses the Centennial Hall Museum. Someone allegedly poisoned a little girl’s clarinet reed in 1944, resulting in her death in the music hall. The teachers at the school soon began reporting weird sightings of a childlike ghost.

Even though the school has been abandoned for quite some time and all musical instruments have been taken from the music hall, curious onlookers often claim to hear music coming from within.

7. Museum Of Shadows, Omaha

The Museum of Shadows is a must-see for any curious mind interested in the supernatural. The Museum of Shadows is the world’s greatest collection of authentic paranormal objects, and it’s located in one of the most haunted buildings in the Midwest.

The owners, Kaylee (a medium) and Nate (a demonologist), are eager to talk to customers about their fascination with the supernatural. Couple claims dolls have flown off shelves, apparitions have appeared, and ghosts enjoy chatting with guests.

8. Haunted Seven Sisters Road

Seven Sisters Road is an old road in Otoe County, which is in southeast Nebraska. Seven women were allegedly murdered in this area in the early 1900s, according to urban legend.

The Original Urban Legend

The story goes that a young man used to live along the winding road in a region rumored to have had seven hills and was murdered there more than a century ago. He and his parents and seven sisters all shared a house on a farm southeast of Nebraska City.

A family argument apparently left him feeling very frustrated and enraged. Once his parents left for the evening, he hid in the woods and coaxed or coerced his sisters to join him outside one by one. Once at the top of each hill, the young man hung them all from trees until they were dead.

After that, the whereabouts of the bodies and the brother is unknown. In addition, there are no official records to back up the hangings, but the myth lives on.

Years after the alleged murders and the hanging trees were cut down, the Seven Sisters Road was constructed across the hills. The hills themselves have changed throughout time, with today’s famous landscape featuring only four of the original hills.

Events that Followed

Some say the women’s ghosts have been roaming the neighborhood ever since that terrible night so long ago. Numerous accounts of distressed ladies have been yelling for rescue throughout the years. Others have reported hearing bells from what appears to be a private cemetery in the area.

There have been numerous reports from drivers who have passed through the region of their vehicles experiencing issues such as stalling, their headlights dimming, their speedometers freezing, and their windows rolling up and down on their own.

Some claim to have experienced unexpected shifts in the wind or temperature or to have seen shadowy figures lurking in the night or been seen by red eyes.

Both paranormal groups and curious individuals have reported encountering weird phenomena along this stretch of road known for its winding slopes and gnarled trees.

Haunted Houses in Omaha, Nebraska

For those who enjoy a good scare, visiting a haunted home may be a lot of fun. You can have a thrilling evening at any of these haunts, but you should probably bring a friend.

1. Camp Fear, Omaha

Camp Fear in RiverWest Park is more of a haunted experience than a traditional haunted house. Bloodrush is a scary woodland best experienced at night. If you’re feeling particularly bold, pitch a tent and stay for the entire terrifying evening.

2. Haunted Hollow, Omaha

Compared to other haunted attractions in the area, Haunted Hollow has a wider variety of features. More than twenty attractions, including live music, bonfires, and eerie car displays, are spread around the farm’s seven acres, making it somewhat of an adult take on the traditional pumpkin patch.

3. Mystery Manor, Omaha

Mystery Manor has been terrifying visitors for decades, and it’s the sole local haunted house, so the legend goes. Experts in the paranormal say the ghosts you’ll encounter here are real, and if you visit around Halloween, you’ll be treated to performances by excellent actors who will make you jump out of your skin.

4. Scary Arches, Omaha

The Haunted Woods, The Mansion on the Hill, and Master’s Castle are all located in Scary Acres and are considered some of the best haunted attractions in Omaha.

Most people who have a truly terrifying experience at this location, which spans over twenty acres, return the following year to see what new terrors have been added.

5. Carnival of Terror

Hollywood Candy/Fairmont Antiques in Omaha’s Old Market is home to a terrifying haunted attraction (which is, frankly, already really creepy on its own). Do you have the guts to enter the depths of darkness?


To wrap up, you can consider Nebraska as the haunted place since it has quite a few spooky places which you can go to on your next visit. You might have an experience and can speak about it with your family and friends.

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